• VUCA –> Volatility, Uncertainity/Unpredictability, Complexity, Ambiguity
  • Handled through the Vision, Understanding, Courage and Adaptability
  • Handling techniques is courtesy from Bill George of HBS
  • Day-to-Day experiences give feelers of more volatile, uncertain and complex because of the one element there is more of: ambiguity. Ambiguity (Man made)–> it’s easier to assume you know or to operate with a bias Correct the above thinking by asking questions that may force a peer or team member to rethink what they’re doing or why they’re doing it
  • Uncertainty, like volatility, is also a reality of business and life
  • Complexity, for its part, can often be about the lens (view points) you take to your business, since most complex situations and concepts can be broken down, clarified, and addressed
  • Clarity is key to addressing the VUCA – the quality of being easily and accurately understood
  • Clarity about purpose, priorities, process, performance, and problems to be solved enables higher productivity, better decision making, more effective and timely problem solving, more relevant action, and better relationships—all of which lead to higher levels of performance for both the individual and the organization. It thrills customers, increases profits, and lowers costs.
  • Clarity also makes the people within an organization happier and more engaged with their work.